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Why do People Love the Character of Half-Blood Prince?

Writer: Cenxi WeiCenxi Wei

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

Professor Severus Snape, a divisive character, is an interesting enigma from the renowned transmedia world of Harry Potter, originally created by J.K. Rowling. His character development was portrayed perfectly by Alan Rickman in the movie franchise, which is also considered as a controversial existence with a bitter life, coupled with a pivotal role in the prophecy. As a Slytherin, I am captivated by his controversy and complexity, and at the end of his storyline, my heart was touched by the backstory, which explains why I desire to analyze him.


Severus Snape was born as a half-blood (from a witch and a muggle) in a poor family and was neglected by his parents. Consequently, Hogwarts became his ideal home, just like Harry Potter and Voldemort. After meeting Lily, Harry’s mother, he finally had a good friend to rely on and someone to love, but the appearance of Harry’s father - James, seemed to break the harmony between them. After the death of Lily and James, Severus Snape took the responsibility of taking care of Harry in secret, on top of his existing physical and mental conflicts in his life, such as performing as a double agent, serving Voldemort as a death eater and Dumbledore as a head of Slytherin house at Hogwarts. His behaviours significantly drove the main story moving forwards, due to whose sacrifice in the battle between Harry and Voldemort, ultimately Harry named his child after Snape.


Initially, Snape was revealed in the film during a sorting ceremony in the first movie (Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone), as Professor Dumbledore gives his speech, Severus can be seen sitting beside Quirinus Quirrell (the 1st antagonist) at the corner of a table full of faculty.

When Dumbledore stands up, the joyful background music is turned down, and Snape sternly gazes in the direction of Dumbledore. Before Harry’s sorting process, a non-vital character goes to the sorting hat with an exciting BGM. At the same time, a clear front upper body of Professor Severus Snape shows up in the 1/3 of the screen, also a bit taller than and along with Quirinus Quirrell’s back upper body in the same shot.

Afterwards, with the camera moving forward to focus on and enlarge Snape’s face, the sound effect transits to create a sense of conspiracy and be quieter so as to spotlight Harry’s pain in his lightning-shaped scar and his conversation with Ron. Then, Snape’s head (almost only the face without shoulders) comes to light in the 2/3 of the screen, and notices Potter’s reaction, then turns his face towards his left side, where Professor Quirinus Quirrell sits. Meanwhile, Snape’s hand suggests he is in a state of deep thought or pondering. However, Snape doesn’t say anything or change his facial expression in the slightest.

When Harry is wearing the sorting hat, Snape is paying attention to Harry again. After Harry’s sorting ceremony, Professor Dumbledore announces that the feast begins, during which Harry asks Percy (Ron’s brother) who’s the teacher talking to Professor Quirrell? At this moment, the dialogue/question is highlighted without any BGM.

Following Potter’s pointing finger, a scene of Snape and Quirrell chatting with each other is seen from Potter’s perspective across the feast tables. The introduction of Snape includes four sentences only, also as Percy’s answers, which are “Oh, that’s Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house.” “Potions” “But everyone knows, it’s the Dark Arts he fancies. He’s been after Quirrell’s job for years.” Plus, the BGM here is playful, and it conveys a bit of mystery through the dialogue, Snape’s expertise and ambition are depicted, plus the conflict between Quirrell and Snape is exposed and normalized.

Moreover, the lightning in the reveal almost stays the same, bright and warm, highlighting the enjoyment and relaxation of most wizards.

Accomplishments & Reasons:

1. The sorting ceremony is a major event in the movie, which decides the house Harry goes to and indicates the potential conflict among houses, mainly between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

2. Pivotal characters are revealed in one of the most important scenarios, and their statuses are shown through their positions. Also, the juxtaposition between Snape and Quirrell gives hints about future plots of why Harry Potter confuses the source of threats and thinks Snape is the villain.

3. Snape’s expertise, attitudes and relationships are discussed through people’s dialogue, which means it might be untrue, being used to foreshadow the upcoming conflicts.

4. The eye contact between Snape and Harry while Harry is in pain strengthens the attention and intension through Harry’s first-person and third-person angles.

5. The music transitions enhance a distinct feeling that Snape could be a bad guy and encourage the audience to concentrate on his interactions and reactions with the protagonist.

All the elements above stimulate an opposition expectation in the audience’ minds, misleading Snape’s set-ups from the beginning to the end. How complicated he is!


• Physical

1. Dark black hair covers some of his face

2. A pure black robe on his body

3. Concentrated eyes and worry lines between his eyes

Accomplishment: Snape is intelligent who cares about Harry’ s situation, silently observing and responding.

• Sociological

1. Snape’s professional position/status is less important than Professor Quirrell’s. Potions has a lower priority than Dark Arts.

2. Snape respects Professor Dumbledore and pays attention to Harry’s progression.

3. Snape’s goal is to be a Dark Arts teacher.

Accomplishment: The audience knows Snape’s goal and relationships with other main characters in this film, but we do not know his intentions and actions in the dark.

• Psychological

The part is discussed in the Character Development to show his controversial personalities.

Character Development

Film characters are assessed mainly through their actions and dialogues. However, I am a bit confused about when the intro ends because Snap is significantly intricate. Even though he is understood by Harry Potter until his backstory is revealed in the last movie of The Deathly Hallows, in my opinion, the intro ends when Quirrell gives a McGuffin speech in the climax about how Snape has saved Harry in the Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

From the reveal to the climax, when Snape first has a conversation with Harry in his Potions class, he despises Harry as a celebrity, and makes a fool of him by asking questions that most first-year students do not know. He is mean and pathetic to behave like a child. Later on, he still finds more opportunities to make fun of Harry. Why only Harry? Not others? To some extent, he is a twisted character.

In the Quidditch game, Harry sees Snape muttering, and Hermione helps set a fire to Snape’s robe. Until the end of the 1st movie, the audience understands that Snape is the only person who does anything to prevent Harry from danger. Why do the other professors decide not to say or do something? Doesn’t he care about Slytherin’s winning in the game? He seems to care about Harry’s life rather than Slytherin’s honor. Besides, he is intelligent and powerful enough to defend the opposite force.

After the Quidditch game, there is one scene in a dark room where Snape says the line to Quirrell, “WE’LL HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE CHAT SOON, WHEN YOU’VE HAD TIME TO THINK THINGS OVER AND DECIDE WHERE YOUR LOYALTIES LIE.” In the meantime, Harry is hidden under his invisibility cloak to watch them fighting or chatting. Snape notices there might be something or someone in front of them and tries to use his hand to touch it. He is threatening to others and sensitive about his surroundings. And more, he is loyal, but to whom do his loyalties lie?

With the influence of Kuleshov effect and intentional orchestration, the audience thinks Snape is bad, but it turns out he is good in some cases. Nevertheless, people doubt whether he is good or bad because of the contradiction in his dialogues, actions and reactions. While Harry grows up at Hogwarts, Snape is consistently like this.

Accomplishments & Reasons:

1. There are many possibilities in his behaviours that confuse people by showing his obviously wicked sides. Maybe, he wants to gain respect or make fun.

2. In the end (the 1st film), his goodwill is disclosed, and he has done not a little to help Harry. However, Harry never thanks to Snape. The protagonist is questioning his traits, which affects the audience to doubt, too.

3. This character is swaying back and forth, which also becomes a myth in the Harry Potter franchise, so his behaviours are hard to participate.

Snape is a complex and interesting puzzle, requiring people to resolve it.


To sum up, Severus Snape, the half-blood prince of potions, is neither a good nor bad character in films, which makes him intriguing and pivotal to spectators. When re-watching the Harry Potter franchise from different perspectives, I see how various factors influence the feelings and expectations of the audience. People like the character but they do not want him to be a friend. It is an interesting phenomenon and I hope to learn more rules or patterns in order to break them.


  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone -


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